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SrdnlenCTF 2025 - Cryptography confusion

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SrdnlenCTF 2025 : Cryptography

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
import os
# Local imports
FLAG = os.getenv("FLAG", "srdnlen{REDACTED}").encode()

# Server encryption function
def encrypt(msg, key):
    pad_msg = pad(msg, 16)
    blocks = [os.urandom(16)] + [pad_msg[i:i + 16] for i in range(0, len(pad_msg), 16)]
    b = [blocks[0]]
    for i in range(len(blocks) - 1):
        tmp =, AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(blocks[i + 1])
        b += [bytes(j ^ k for j, k in zip(tmp, blocks[i]))]

    c = [blocks[0]]
    for i in range(len(blocks) - 1):
        c += [, AES.MODE_ECB).decrypt(b[i + 1])]

    ct = [blocks[0]]
    for i in range(len(blocks) - 1):
        tmp =, AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(c[i + 1])
        ct += [bytes(j ^ k for j, k in zip(tmp, c[i]))]

    return b"".join(ct)

KEY = os.urandom(32)

print("Let's try to make it confusing")
flag = encrypt(FLAG, KEY).hex()
print(f"|\n|    flag = {flag}")

while True:
    print("|\n|  ~ Want to encrypt something?")
    msg = bytes.fromhex(input("|\n|    > (hex) "))

    plaintext = pad(msg + FLAG, 16)
    ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext, KEY)

    print("|\n|  ~ Here is your encryption:")
    print(f"|\n|   {ciphertext.hex()}")

In this challenge we have been given an oracle for a custom encryption using AES as a subroutine to encrypt our message appended with the flag.

Notation wise: m=m1m2m3mnm=m_1m_2m_3\ldots m_n and f=f1f2f3fnf = f_1f_2f_3\ldots f_n

Analysing the encrypt function gives the following pattern:

A=[m0,m1,m2,mn]M, where mi=M[32(i1):32i]A = [m_0, m_1, m_2, \ldots m_n] \leftarrow M, \text{ where } m_i = M[32(i-1):32i] B=[b0,b1,b2,bn]A where bi=AESk(mi)mi1B = [b_0, b_1, b_2, \ldots b_n] \leftarrow A \text{ where } b_i = AES_k(m_i)\oplus m_{i-1} C=[c0,c1,c2,cn]B where ci=AESk1(bi)C = [c_0, c_1, c_2, \ldots c_n] \leftarrow B \text{ where } c_i = AES^{-1}_k(b_i) ct=[ct0,ct1,ct2ctn]C where cti=AESk(ci)ci1ct = [ct_0, ct_1, ct_2 \ldots ct_n] \leftarrow C \text{ where } ct_i = AES_k(c_i)\oplus c_{i-1}

Note that here m0=b0=c0=ct0=rm_0 = b_0 = c_0 = ct_0 = r for some random rr. Now writing everything in terms of mim_i we get:

B=[r,AESk(m1)r,AESk(m2)m1AESk(mn)mn1]B = [r,\quad AES_k(m_1)\oplus r, \quad AES_k(m_2)\oplus m_1 \quad \ldots \quad AES_k(m_n)\oplus m_{n-1}] C=[r,AESk1(AESk(m1)r),AESk1(AESk(m2)m1)AESk1(AESk(mn)mn1)]C = [r, \quad AES_k^{-1}(AES_k(m_1)\oplus r), \quad AES_k^{-1}(AES_k(m_2)\oplus m_1) \quad \ldots \quad AES_k^{-1}(AES_k(m_n)\oplus m_{n-1})] ct=[r,AESk(m1),AESk(m2)m1AESk1(AESk(m1)r),AESk(mn)mn1AESk1(AESk(mn1)mn2)]ct = [r, \: AES_k(m_1), \: AES_k(m_2)\oplus m_1\oplus AES_k^{-1}(AES_k(m_1)\oplus r), \\\: \ldots \: AES_k(m_n)\oplus m_{n-1}\oplus AES_k^{-1}(AES_k(m_{n-1})\oplus m_{n-2})]

Also we are given the ciphertext for the flag along with the encryption oracle, say ctfct_f. To find the decryption of the flag’s ct we need to somehow use the oracle to find decryptions of messages. Looking at the final form of ct, the fourth term is the one which is the most helpful. ct[3]=AESk(m3)m2AESk1(AESk(m2)m1)ct[3] = AES_k(m_3)\oplus m_2\oplus AES_k^{-1}(AES_k(m_2)\oplus m_1) Since we can encrypt arbitrarily long messages, we have complete control over m1,m2m_1, m_2 and m3m_3. Also notice that m1m_1 occurs only once in the term so we can substitute it with an unknown term without worrying about it causing any unnecessary side effects. This motivates the idea to extract the flag: substitute m1=AESk(fi)AESk(0)m_1 = AES_k(f_i)\oplus AES_k(0), m2=0m_2 = 0, m3=0m_3 = 0. This will give us the output, ct[3]=AESk(0)fict[3] = AES_k(0) \oplus f_i. Then taking the xor of ct[3]ct[3] and AESk(0)AES_k(0) will give us a block of the flag. Note that we can find AESk(0)AES_k(0) by sending the message as m=00m=00 (a full block of zeroes) and taking the second term of the ciphertext. To find out AESk(fi)AES_k(f_i) however, we have to do a little more work.

For i=1i=1 just take the second term of encryption of flag. For i=2i=2, send m=00m=00 (a block of zeroes) and the 4th term of the ct collapses to AESk(f2)AES_k(f_2), since mpadded=00f1f2fnm_{padded} =00 f_1 f_2\ldots f_n and For subsequent ii, we use the following inductive procedure:

  1. Send m=fi2fi100m=f_{i-2} f_{i-1} 00 and extract ct[3]=AESk(0)fi1AESk1(AESk(fi1)fi2)ct[3] = AES_k(0)\oplus f_{i-1} \oplus AES_k^{-1}(AES_k(f_{i-1})\oplus f_{i-2})
  2. Extract ctf[i]=AESk(fi)fi1AESk1(AESk(fi1)fi2)ct_f[i] = AES_k(f_i) \oplus f_{i-1} \oplus AES_k^{-1}(AES_k(f_{i-1})\oplus f_{i-2})
  3. Calculate ctf[i]ct[3]AESk(0)=AESk(fi)ct_f[i] \oplus ct[3] \oplus AES_k(0) = AES_k(f_i)

This sums up the protocol.

from pwn import *

# context.log_level = 'debug'

# io = process('./')
io = remote('', 1338)

io.recvuntil(b'flag = ')
flag = io.recvline().strip().decode()'flag: {flag}')
af1 = flag[32:64]
r5 = flag[96:128]
r7 = flag[128:160]

io.sendlineafter(b'> (hex) ', b'00'*32)
io.recvuntil(b'Here is your encryption:')
io.recvuntil(b'| ')
ct = io.recvline().strip().decode()'ct: {ct}')
a0 = ct[32:64]

payload = int(a0, 16) ^ int(af1, 16)
io.sendlineafter(b'> (hex) ', hex(payload)[2:].encode()+b'00'*16)
io.recvuntil(b'Here is your encryption:')
io.recvuntil(b'| ')
ct = io.recvline().strip().decode()'ct: {ct}')
x = ct[96:128]
f1 = int(x, 16) ^ int(af1, 16)
f1 = hex(f1)[2:]'f1: {bytes.fromhex(f1).decode()}')

io.sendlineafter(b'> (hex) ', b'00'*16)
io.recvuntil(b'Here is your encryption:')
io.recvuntil(b'| ')
ct = io.recvline().strip().decode()'ct: {ct}')
af2 = ct[96:128]

payload2 = int(af2,16)^int(af1,16)
io.sendlineafter(b'> (hex) ', b'00'*16 + hex(payload2)[2:].encode())
io.recvuntil(b'Here is your encryption:')
io.recvuntil(b'| ')
ct = io.recvline().strip().decode()'ct: {ct}')
x = ct[128:160]
f2 = int(x, 16) ^ int(af2, 16) ^ int(f1, 16)
f2 = hex(f2)[2:]'f2: {bytes.fromhex(f2).decode()}')

io.sendlineafter(b'> (hex) ', (f1+f2).encode())
io.recvuntil(b'Here is your encryption:')
io.recvuntil(b'| ')
ct = io.recvline().strip().decode()'ct: {ct}')
r3 = ct[96:128]
af3 = int(r3, 16) ^ int(r5, 16) ^ int(af1, 16)

payload3 = af3 ^ int(a0, 16)
payload3 = hex(payload3)[2:]
io.sendlineafter(b'> (hex) ', payload3.encode()+b'00'*32)
io.recvuntil(b'Here is your encryption:')
io.recvuntil(b'| ')
ct = io.recvline().strip().decode()'ct: {ct}')
r3 = ct[96:128]
f3 = int(r3, 16) ^ int(a0, 16)
f3 = hex(f3)[2:]'f3: {bytes.fromhex(f3).decode()}')

io.sendlineafter(b'> (hex) ', (f2+f3).encode())
io.recvuntil(b'Here is your encryption:')
io.recvuntil(b'| ')
ct = io.recvline().strip().decode()'ct: {ct}')
r3 = ct[96:128]
af4 = int(r3, 16) ^ int(r7, 16) ^ int(af1, 16)

payload3 = af4 ^ int(a0, 16)
payload3 = hex(payload3)[2:]
io.sendlineafter(b'> (hex) ', payload3.encode()+b'00'*32)
io.recvuntil(b'Here is your encryption:')
io.recvuntil(b'| ')
ct = io.recvline().strip().decode()'ct: {ct}')
r3 = ct[96:128]
f4 = int(r3, 16) ^ int(a0, 16)
f4 = hex(f4)[2:]'f3: {bytes.fromhex(f4).decode()}')

flag = f1+f2+f3+f4
print(f'flag: {bytes.fromhex(flag).decode()}')

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